Saturday, February 7, 2009

I wish I drank so I could justify this.

Once on a boat not too far from here,
I saw a most peculiar sight.
A crew of penguins, instead of men
handling all type of shipwright!

I called the captain from his cabin,
and then asked him "Are you on drugs?
avians are not meant for running ships
do you not know that they are thugs?"

The captain looked at me, and smiled,
"A penguin is no problem for me.
Now people, those are the real thieves!
They wouldn't even work for free!

I fired them all, to prove my point,
and settled on a more honest beast.
I saw penguins fishing over yonder,
and thought hell yeah I'll take them.

So now I sit in leisure now,
like Captain Ahab and Moby Dick!
They fish for me all day without question,
and I reap all the benefit!

So now, instead of dealing with brats,
I'm drinking beer all day and night.
It was the best choice of my life,
so shut up, or I'll knock our your lights."

The last I saw of that captain,
was his stupid boat on the horizon.
I smiled, for there was a mutiny;
you see, penguins are assholes.

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