Friday, April 24, 2009


There's an interesting story behind when the Heroes of the Five-Point leaf first hired their fighter. Now, there's a certain art to figuring out who you should hire. It's not always apparent who's going to save your hide when the going gets rough.

Ended up between a choice of this human, favored swords...they all favor swords, really, and this big dragonborn fellow with a big old hammer. Now, a layman thinks, "My, a dragon man, he's sure to be a brute." but once you've been in this business for a while you realize that the humans who do make it tend to have earned it.

The human, he badmouths the dragonborn, says "They just don't think things through. Running headfirst into battle, they're fools, no strategy. See, I got sense in my head. It's all about controlling the fight. You can't control a fight with a hammer. A hammer can't deflect a sword.They get so swept up in the idea of glory that they forget to protect themselves." He puts up a pitted, old marked shield. "Every single blow on this thing, was a blow that didn't hit me. You've got to be stupid to think you're so skilled you could have avoided all these without any help."

I have to admit, I respect Kresh for his calmness in this. It's not often you insult a dragonborn like this and get away with it, but I suppose Kresh wasn't like most dragonborns. But he was clever. He sizes up this human, who has the gall to criticize him when he's right there. He looks at the shield a moment. Having got a moment to think, he asks, "So you're the sane one, huh?"

"What do you think? I'm not dead yet."

The dragonborn then says, "That's a shame. It doesn't pay to be sane as an adventurer. " the dragonborn gestures to the giant hammer. "Know why I use this? It's because it says 'I'm crazy. I'm the one who is going to bash up to your front line, and smash you to bits if you let me close. If you ignore me, you're going to hurt. Bad. You don't want to ignore me.' A shield says, 'I want to stay safe. You aren't going to hurt me because I got this big shield. Nothing is going to get through, and I'm going to make sure of it. Good luck hitting me.' Now tell me, who do you want to protect you? The crazy dragon, who makes it clear who's the person they should be paying attention to, or the sane human who makes it clear who's not going to get hit?"

Guess he's right. It really doesn't pay to be sane when you're an adventurer.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Compensation Paradox

If guns are compensation for masculinity, why are they given feminine names?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I think in Limericks

There once was a man, name was Gerie,
he lived, as it were, in a motley menagerie
Many said "He's not right,
his sight, quite a fright!"
But I thought he looked good in lingerie.